Monday, July 24 – ExodusStage “The echoes of migration”
6.30 pm – San Domenico Picture Gallery – Via Arco D’Augusto
Jabel Kanuteh, Kora, voice
The story of Jabel Kanuteh is emblematic and his journey symbolically opens the Exodus section: he was born in Gambia, the eldest of 10 children, he began studying kora with his father, Musa Kanuteh, griot, that is poet and singer who has the task to preserve the oral tradition of the ancestors; in Italy he arrived after three days of travel by sea and 20 of desert, passing through Mali and Libya. Now he lives at Peglio; the rest tells it through a music of great evocative power.
Art installation by Traffic – Spazio Arte
Fano Jazz Network
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Tel. 0721 1706616